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# NeXT File System build procedure
# Build Base Floppy disk from booted file system
# Release 2.0
## Modified by Mike Carlton to build a single boot floppy
## Please see the README file for more information.
## Send comments or suggestions for modifications to carlton@cs.berkeley.edu
## The original source for this file was the initial section of the /etc/BLD.bs
## script.
## Changes:
## Corrected file specifications that didn't give source directory
## Added /bin/ed for convenience
## Added /fdmach link to /odmach for convenience
## Modified MAKEDEV to not create so many devices (originally it ran
## out of inodes on the floppy)
## Modified newclient to use the new MAKEDEV
## Removed the symbolic links between the optical and floppy
## Modified the choice of rc scripts to produce standard boot
## Removed the bill of materials stuff
## Changes for release 2.1 (3-Sep-91):
## Removed commands to copy /etc/BLD.fd_to_sd, /etc/rc.bldsd100
## and /etc/rc.boot.ldsd100.
## To be done:
## This could be further condensed to copy fewer files
## Changes for release 3.0 (5-Oct-92): (Zenon Fortuna, zenon@resonex.com)
## removed some files, to make some room for bigger kernel and
## shlib file. All removed files are marked by ZF indicator.
## To be done:
## It would be fine to prepare a specialized (minimized) shlib file, thus
## saving a lot of space for important applications. Having more space,
## one can risk having the dump/restore ?
# Build a bootable floppy disk
newdisk BootFloppy
# Build the "private" symlinks
symlink a private/dev /dev
symlink a private/etc /etc
symlink a private/tmp /tmp
# Put kernels on the disk
chmod a 1777 /
copy a /odmach /odmach
strip a /odmach
link a /odmach /sdmach
link a /odmach /fdmach
symlink a $BOOTFILE /mach
# load minimal client template
load a /usr/template/client/dev
load a /usr/template/client/tmp
chmod a a+rwxt /usr/template/client/tmp
load a /usr/template/client/vm
mkdirs a /usr/template/client/etc
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/disktab
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/fstab.od
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/fstab.sd330
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/fstab.sd660
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/group
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/passwd
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/utmp
copy a /usr/template/client/etc/mtab
symlink a ../../usr/etc/chown /usr/template/client/etc/chown
symlink a ../../usr/etc/fsck /usr/template/client/etc/fsck
symlink a ../../usr/etc/halt /usr/template/client/etc/halt
symlink a ../../usr/etc/init /usr/template/client/etc/init
symlink a ../../usr/etc/mach_init /usr/template/client/etc/mach_init
symlink a ../../usr/etc/mkfile /usr/template/client/etc/mkfile
symlink a ../../usr/etc/mkfs /usr/template/client/etc/mkfs
symlink a ../../usr/etc/mknod /usr/template/client/etc/mknod
symlink a ../../usr/etc/mount /usr/template/client/etc/mount
symlink a ../../usr/etc/MAKEDEV /usr/template/client/etc/MAKEDEV
symlink a ../../usr/etc/newfs /usr/template/client/etc/newfs
symlink a ../../usr/etc/scsimodes /usr/template/client/etc/scsimodes
symlink a ../../usr/etc/umount /usr/template/client/etc/umount
# Put down enough commands so floppy
# is "bootable" and can load hard disk
# /bin commands
mkdirs a /bin
## copy a /bin/awk ZF
copy a /bin/chgrp
copy a /bin/chmod
copy a /bin/cp
## copy a /bin/csh ZF
copy a /bin/dd
## copy a /bin/df ZF
copy a /bin/echo
copy a /bin/ed
copy a /bin/expr
## copy a /bin/grep ZF
copy a /bin/hostname
copy a /bin/ln
copy a /bin/ls
copy a /bin/mkdir
## copy a /bin/mkdirs ZF
copy a /bin/mv
copy a /bin/rm
## copy a /bin/sed ZF
copy a /bin/sh
copy a /bin/sync
## copy a /bin/tar ZF
# /usr/bin commands
mkdirs a /usr/bin
## copy a /usr/bin/touch ZF
# /usr/etc commands
mkdirs a /usr/etc
copy a /usr/etc/chown
copy a /usr/etc/fsck
copy a /usr/etc/halt
copy a /usr/etc/init
copy a /usr/etc/mach_init
copy a /usr/etc/mkfile
copy a /usr/etc/mkfs
copy a /usr/etc/mknod
copy a /usr/etc/mount
copy a /usr/etc/newfs
copy a /usr/etc/scsimodes
copy a /usr/etc/umount
# /usr/ucb commands
mkdirs a /usr/ucb
## copy a /usr/ucb/whoami ZF
# /usr/standalone files
load a /usr/standalone
# remove the boot.cdrom; If you have CD-ROM use the NS 3.0 utility floppy
rm a /usr/standalone/boot.cdrom
# /usr/shlib libraries
mkdirs a /usr/shlib
copy a /usr/shlib/libsys_s.B.shlib
# /usr/template/client additions
##copy a /etc/BLD.fd_to_sd /usr/template/client/etc/BLD.fd_to_sd ## removed 2.1
copy a /etc/fstab.fd /usr/template/client/etc/fstab.fd
##copy a /etc/rc.bldsd100 /usr/template/client/etc/rc.bldsd100 ## removed 2.1
##copy a /etc/rc.boot.ldsd100 /usr/template/client/etc/rc.boot.ldsd100 ## removed 2.1
copy a /etc/ttys.installer /usr/template/client/etc/ttys.installer
copy a /etc/rc.standard /usr/template/client/etc/rc.standard
copy a /etc/rc.boot.standard /usr/template/client/etc/rc.boot.standard
copy a /etc/rc.swap /usr/template/client/etc/rc.swap
copy a /etc/ttys /usr/template/client/etc/ttys.standard
# /usr/etc additions
copy a /usr/etc/builddisk /usr/etc/builddisk
strip a /usr/etc/builddisk
copy a /usr/etc/disk /usr/etc/disk
strip a /usr/etc/disk
copy a /usr/etc/getdisk /usr/etc/getdisk
strip a /usr/etc/getdisk
copy a /usr/etc/MAKEDEV /usr/etc/MAKEDEV.tmp
copy a /usr/etc/newclient /usr/etc/newclient.tmp
copy a ./fixmakedev /usr/etc/fixmakedev
exec a /usr/etc csh fixmakedev
rm a /usr/etc/MAKEDEV.tmp
rm a /usr/etc/newclient.tmp
rm a /usr/etc/fixmakedev
copy a /usr/etc/reboot /usr/etc/reboot
strip a /usr/etc/reboot
# /usr/bin additions
## copy a /usr/etc/fbshow /usr/bin/fbshow ZF
## strip a /usr/bin/fbshow ZF
# /usr/lib/bootimages additions
mkdirs a /usr/lib/bootimages
## copy a /usr/lib/bootimages/Helvetica.18 /usr/lib/bootimages/Helvetica.18 ZF
## copy a /usr/lib/bootimages/Helvetica-BoldOblique.18 /usr/lib/bootimages/Helvetica-BoldOblique.18 ZF
# Build minimal /private -- -P says use small swapfile
newclient a /usr/etc -P
copy a /etc/rc.boot.standard /etc/rc.boot
copy a /etc/rc.standard /etc/rc
# make a mounting directory
mkdirs a /mnt